Course curriculum

    1. Welcome from Apex Trinity

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before we begin...

    4. Course content

    1. What is project management workbook

    2. Glossary

    3. What is project management

    4. Test your learning

    1. Project management concepts workbook

    2. Introducing the seven project management concepts

    3. Business justification

    4. Roles and responsibilities

    5. Test your learning

    6. Project stages and delegation

    7. Products, proportionality and methodology

    8. Test your learning

    1. Managing a project workbook

    2. The project lifecycle

    3. Project methodologies

    4. Test your learning

    5. Key roles and responsibilities

    6. Governance, assurance and reporting

    7. Test your learning

    1. Delivering a project workbook

    2. Case study and understanding stakeholder management

    3. Stakeholder templates

    4. Creating a business case

    5. Business case template

    6. Test your learning

    7. Understanding and capturing requirements

    8. Requirements templates

    9. How to include quality in a project

    10. Quality acceptance criteria template

    11. Test your learning

    12. Creating the project plan

    13. Planning templates

    14. How to manage project risks

    15. Risk register template

    16. Test your learning

    17. How to manage a project budget and measure benefits

    18. Budget tool template

    19. How to manage change within a project

    20. Change log template

    21. Test your learning

    22. Why configuration management is important

    23. How to learn from experience

    24. Learning from experience template

    25. Test your learning

    1. Congratulations you have completed the business case

    2. Case study and business case

    3. More great resources and learning opportunities for you

    4. Before you go...

About this course

  • £239.00
  • 52 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content
  • Online self-paced learning with audio narration
  • Templates, workbooks and a case study to download and keep
  • 3 month course access

Jump into this fantastic course today!

Why this course is for you

  • Taking the next step in your development

    If you have already taken our previous courses or have some knowledge or experience in project management and want to develop or refresh your knowledge, this course is for you.

  • Career development

    If you have started your project career or working on a project within your business or organisation, this course will improve your project management capability.

  • Employee development

    This course offers employees the opportunity to develop and build their project skills, enhancing your business change capability.

You will achieve a practical understanding of project management, including

  • What project management is, key concepts and why they are important.

  • How a project is managed and delivered. You will use a guided case study to consolidate your learning.

  • You will have the confidence to further develop your career aspirations and apply your learning to successfully deliver projects.

Jump into this fantastic course today!

See what is included in this fantastic course!

  • Over 20+ video tutorials

    Over 20+ video tutorials on key project management themes. We will take you through each section using a case study to demonstrate how project management can be applied. You can pause, rewind and revisit videos to go at a pace that suits you. All our videos include audio narration

  • Over 13+ project management templates

    We have provided project management templates for you to download. You can edit and adapt the templates as much as you want and use in your projects.

  • Workbooks to capture notes and learning

    A workbook for each section of the course. You can download and type directly into the workbook, or download and print. You can pause and rewind the videos, so take as many notes as you like!

  • Case study and completed business case

    You will receive a copy of the case study you use on the course and the completed business case from the case study to download and keep.

  • Self-paced learning that suits you

    You can arrange your learning to your schedule, stopping and starting your learning at your convenience. You have 90 days to complete the course. You can access and review your training at any time. Allowing you to revisit any module or lesson in your access period.

  • Device and browser friendly

    Computer, laptop, tablet, and mobile phone friendly. Complete you learning in the comfort of your home or on-the-go. Compatible with Desktop: Chrome Firefox Safari Microsoft Edge Mobile: iOS Safari Chrome Samsung Internet

  • Quizzes to test your learning

    Our quizzes are designed to test your knowledge and consolidate your learning. Don't worry if you get a question wrong, we explain the correct answer and you can go back and review the content again.

  • Certificate of completion

    After you complete the course, you can celebrate your achievement with a certificate of completion. You will receive your certificate via email.

Why choose us?

Because we deliver excellence

  • Designed by experts

    Our courses are designed by experienced change and project management professionals. We share our knowledge and experience with you to enable you to achieve your goals.

  • Flexible and balanced

    Our courses are based on your current knowledge and experience. They are self-paced, flexible and can fit around your work-life balance, making it easier for you to succeed.

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